
Here is my story

Well, my story is not the stuff of compelling novel, but it is mine and I love it. I will begin at the beginning. As a child, I lived in home where God was not first or last or really any time. My parents were young professionals who worked alot and did the best they could for me. They loved me, but we all knew something was missing. In the meantime, my parents were sending me to a YMCA, which actually was my early training ground so to speak. God used a number of people there to influence me. These people loved me and taught me about the love of God. One day, we had a Christian organization come to show us a video about the evils of the music industry (in retrospect, the video was way over the top but I digress). I remember feeling a need to rid myself of this same type of evil. That day, I prayed to accept Christ. I was nine years old. I remember calling my mom and telling her. I didn't know what to expect. She was so excited that she began to cry on the phone with me. From that point on, our lives were really never the same. My mom, sister, and I began to attend a small Presbyterian church (PCA) down the road from our neighborhood. Within a couple of years, my father also starting coming to church with us. It has been an amazing experience to see the lives of people so close to you change in such dramatic ways. At some point in those next few years, each member of my family either committed or recommitted their lives to Christ. My father even was called to be a deacon. At the age of twelve, I was confirm by the session at my church and baptized (I was sprinkled). I owe so much to this church and the godly pastor who feeds this wonderful flock.

Well, I suppose I need to move on. After my early walk with the Lord, I began a struggle that would last throughout high school beyond college and graduate school into my first year in seminary. During these years (my dark ages), I pretty much found myself in one sort of sin or another. At that time, however, I kept hearing the call of my Lord. I knew that my life was headed in the wrong direction. Also, during this time, I met and began a relationship with my girlfriend, now my wife. It is amazing the effect a godly woman has on a mediocre man. It seems that 1 Peter 3:1-6 is true after all. What a shocker, huh?! Back to my story, while in graduate school, I realized that God wanted me to serve Him. And, by serve Him, I mean in a different way. By no merit of my own, God in His sovereignty called me into the ministry. You would think that my lifestyle would have changed, but it didn't. However, two very important things have happened to me in the past eighteen or so months. First, God has used some great friends, some loving teachers, an awesome church, and His powerful Word to convict me of my dreadful sinfulness. Second, God made me very ill. One day, my wife and I were driving around town when all of the sudden I began to feel very lightheaded. Several times, I got very dizzy and almost passed out. At the same time, I began to get very hot then very cold all within the matter of two or three minutes. Upon arriving at home, my left foot began to go numb. At that point, my wife (who is a nurse) began to really worry. She loaded me up into the car and drove me to the nearest medical clinic. The doctor saw me and told me that I was showing the signs of a stroke. She checked my blood pressure and it was 180/102 (which is dangerously high). It turns out that I have abnormally high blood pressure for a twenty-six year old man. However, I think God was teaching me that life really is short and I only have a limited time to serve Him; therefore, I better make the most out of it. Since these events, God has really taught me alot. He changed me in unbelievable ways. Ironically, in His cosmic and wonderful sense of humor, God gave me a job at a local YMCA, where I get to teach kids at His love for them.

Finally, I believe that God wants me to shepherd His flock. I will be heading into some type of pastoral ministry following my completion of seminary. I can't wait to get to teach God's Word on a regular basis.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is beautifully ironic, Michael. God works in His own ways, YMCA and all, huh?!

7:39 PM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

good story

12:46 PM  

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