
New Blog

It is now official. Because yours truly irreparably broke the coding of this blog, the group blog will be on Wordpress. The advantage of Wordpress is that one does not have to have a Wordpress account in order to comment on posts. I will send out invites to join the blog to each of you, and then we can reorganize some of the aesthetics (pages, links, etc.) on the blog to our liking. Thanks!


Blog News

I just want to give you an update on the blog situation. Yes, I am the one who broke the blog. I was trying to update Charlie's link information and inadvertently erased a line of code. My bad. To remedy this, Rev. Wallace has been kind enough to offer to create a new blog, and it looks like it will most likely be on Wordpress.
Charlie, I took the liberty to secure a web address (www.oneinchrist.wordpress.com) earlier. If you have not already begun to work on the new group blog, then let me know and I'll sign you up on that one so we can actually have the URL match up with the blog title.
On a personal note, I have created a new blog for myself on Wordpress. I am not sure if I am going to use it yet, as I have grown quite attached to my bowtie and fountain pen look on Blogger. I am including the link to the Wordpress version of Post Tenabras Lux. The only drawback I can see so far is that Wordpress does not have a justified margin feature. That may be a deal breaker. Let me know what you think.