
Michael's Seminary Experience

Great discussion topic, Drew!

What is the best thing about seminary education?

There are two answers to this question, from my perspective. First, it has been a fresh breath of air to come here and not be deemed a stupid, brainless fundamentalist. My past educational experience dealt only in relatives. There were no absolutes in their world. However, here I get to deal in reality and absolute truth. It is awesome! Second, I feared coming here because of my reformed background and bent. I worried that Southeastern would simply feed me the company line (SBC) and tell me to like it or leave. That hasn't been the case at all. In fact, most of my teachers have allowed me to test, reason, and discover for myself. The only doctrine that they have been dogmatic about is the inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture, which I completely agree with. This experience has been a blessing to me. The teachers are kind and gracious. They simply want us to base our decisions on the absolute truth of Scripture.

Where, in your opinion, is the system lacking?

I have to agree with Charlie, but for a different reason. The track system must create a M. Div. in theology. It is absolutely frustrating that a theological institution does not include a track that would focus on theology.

The languages are another area that I would agree with Charlie on. It is good and right to have a cursory understanding of Greek and Hebrew. However, one professor, in particular, has told us that he uses language helps in preparation to preach. By the way, he is an accomplished scholar, writer, and a darn good preacher. I think you guys know who I am referring to.

This point is going to show where Charlie and I are simply different people. I would like to see a little less practical curriculum. I enjoying reading and writing. It is the medium by which I learn the most. For others, this medium is less helpful. Some prefer to learn through experience. I, however, learn more on my own. I hope that this won't hurt me in the future, but it could.

How has God used seminary in your life to teach you more about Him?

This answer will connect with the last point of the last question I answered. First, seminary has made me undoubtedly a much better Bible student in two ways. First, I understand how to read it. Second, I actually read on a daily basis now. This leads me to my second point. Seminary has increased my level of discipline (which is still pitiful at best). God is refining my life in ways I never imagined He could or would even want to. Third, I have observed the apathy of some of my fellow students and vowed to never think of ministry in these terms. I am sure all of us have met the guy in our class who sleeps through class or doesn't show up or doesn't care about his grades as long as he graduates. It is doubtful that this attitude glorifies God and lasts long once actually in the ministry. That is exactly why only 1 in 10 of seminary students are still in the ministry after ten years of service. I will always pray for each one of you guys because I think, no I know, that God wants to use each one of us in amazing ways. We only need to bow our will to His and be obedient children.

If you could start seminary all over again (uggh...that's an unpleasant thought), what would you do differently?

Like Charlie, not too much. I would avoid certain teachers in retrospect. Also, I would have read more diligently in my first two semesters.


Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

It really is troubling and sad to see how certain students act and think. When I was at Southwestern, several students there said that their three years or so in Ft. Worth was their "desert experience." While, it may be a time of testing, if seminary is viewed as a desert experience in all facets, especially spirtual growth, something in that person's life needs to be recalibrated.

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excursus: Anybody seen Ross lately? He's been MIA in the blogosphere?! If you're reading this Ross, send us your wisdom!

11:31 AM  

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