
Ronnie Floyd for SBC President

Hey guys,

I know that only 3 of us here are Southern Baptist, but I'm really interested in the debate that has been swirling around several possible candidates for SBC president to be elected this year in Greensboro.

Johnny Hunt was initially mentioned, which sparked much controversy from reformed Baptists (you can check out discussions at the Founders Blog back in February sometime)

Now Johnny Hunt has said that he will nominate Ronnie Floyd, pastor of FBC Springdale, AK. But Floyd has been criticized for some unconventional evangelism strategies as well as his church's giving to the CP (check out this excellent article)

I'd be interested to hear what you guys think.


Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

The Founders' main problem, from what I've read the past few months, is that an SBC president is always from a mega-church. Most Founders guys, which are Reformed Baptists, are pretty much anti-everything that the current SBC leadership embodies. They are anti-mega church, anti-invitation/alter call, and big on church discipline.

There are some problems with mega churches (indeed there are problems with all churches)and manipulation can be used with alter calls. However, I'm not a believer in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Also, I would agree that a biblical view of proper church discipline (caring enough to confront in love)is needed. However, some of these Founders guys are little extreme, in my opinion. I personally know of one guy who would enact church disipline on a member who was absent for three consecutive weeks.

Basically, the Founders would like a Calvinistic president to be nominated (i.e. a Mark Dever or an Albert Mohler). However, those two men have started to distance themselves from the Founders movement because they are creating a sizeable riff in the convention and Mohler and Dever are all about unity, which they should be.

Was this the reason that Hunt took his name off of consideration? It has been well documented the bashing he underwent at the hands of the Founders Blog. It was even so bad, that the Drs. Caner came on to the site and further infuriated them.

If the SBC threw these guys a bone by nominating Floyd instead, it probably was not the type of bone the Founders had in mind since both Hunt and Floyd's churches have 16,000 members.

I think this whole situation is just another distraction that the Evil One and his demons use to try to take the spotlight off the main thing: that is to glorify God. Personally, I think ministerial envy and jealousy is driving a lot of this backlash towards the mega church pastors and current leaders in the convention. Quit griping about sitting at the leadership table and bringing your brothers in Christ down in the process and worry about your own calling: pastoring your flock.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Ross said...

Charlie, did you get to read about the firetruck shaped baptism at Floyd's church? if that's true, I have a real problem with that approach.

But the big issue for me is that Floyd's church only gave .25% of their undesignated funds to the CP. After reading "One Sacred Effort" this semester in Baptist History, I realize how important it is for SBC churches to support out state and worldwide endeavors through the CP. Only giving 32K out of a nearly 12 million dollar pot is pretty weak.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...


Yeah, I read about Toon Town and canons that go off when a child is baptized. I think its good to celebrate a new believer. I have more of an issue with baptizing toddlers. No offense, PCAer's, but the only thing worse then baptizing infants is baptizing toddlers who will say 'yes' to almost anything. I think churches should delay baptism until the child can effectively state why they want to place their faith in Jesus and what exactly Jesus has done for them. After all, delaying baptism does not "get 'em saved," since we're not saved by that ordinance anyhow. It is a public profession of faith and if the child doesn't know what he is professing, then it does more harm then good.

As or the CP issue, it is easy to criticize any church for almost any issue. First of all, I have no idea what all goes in to a $12 million budget. And giving $32,000 is $32,000 more then most churches give. Should they give more? Probabaly so. I imagine there are reasons they only give less then 1%. Are they good reasons? Maybe, maybe not. However, there is no set amount that each church is required to give. What they give comes out of the fullness of their heart. If that is less then 1%, then we should be thankful they gave that much. $32,000 will pay for one missionary's yearly stipend.

I'm not totally defending Floyd because I do not know him, however, I trust the leaders in our convention and if they are doing anything unethical or unbiblical, God will judge them.

It's easy to criticize someone when we have not been in his shoes, and most of the Founders' guys have not.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

Floyd's church also gave $189,000 for missions and evangelism directly to Nashville, bypassing the CP route. If one's ever seen how the CP breaks down with the allocation of funds, a lot of the money gets lost in non-evangelistic type of red tape.

10:06 AM  
Blogger Ross said...

But Charlie, you also have to remember that a part of that non-evangelistic money goes to paying for our seminary education.

Just a thought.

10:13 AM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

Yes it does...along with a host of other things. Which is why I dont' fault them for bypassing the system. However, I think that churches should pay for their members' seminary tuition entirely.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Ross said...

That's an interesting appraoach... It sure would be nice for the local church to help out there.

2:44 PM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

With all that said, let me say that I do agree with Ross' point about the CP funds. Why nominate someone to lead the convention who doesn't seem to have a vested interest in the convention, based on a less then 1% giving to the convention? There are plenty of other larger church pastors who at least tithe to the convention.

4:04 PM  
Blogger Michael D. Estes said...

Dr. Akin has come out in support of Floyd. I read an email regarding this situation today. He argues that Floyd, historically, has been a supporter of the SBC and the CP. Akin had some evidence for his claims.

9:47 PM  

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