
Prayer Request

I have been entrusted to lead a group of young people up to White Plains, NY next week (we leave tomorrow). This trip is designed to provide support for a church plant by the name of Christ the King. Our group will be participating in various servant evangelism tasks as well as survey evangelism. This area is spiritually dark with only one evangelical church (CMA) in the city. The people there are interested in spirituality, but they have very mixed ideas as to what that really is. Many are hostile to the Gospel. Pray that we will have opportunities to share. Pray also that the young people will have boldness. Thank God that I have a wonderful support group of adults going with me. Pray that we provide an excellent witness for this church plant and ultimately Christ in the community of White Plains. I doubt I will have access to the internet; therefore, I will not be able to give updates as to the progress of the mission. However, when I return, I will let everyone know how things went.


Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

We'll be praying for you and the group. How long will you be gone?

9:47 PM  
Blogger Michael D. Estes said...

I'll be back home Friday evening sometime. By the way, things are going ok right now. We have had a difficult time ironing out logistics, but I think tomorrow will be a fruitful day.

11:29 PM  
Blogger Michael D. Estes said...

Ok, so here is the rundown on today's action. This morning we did survey evangelism. Three people made apparent decisions for Christ. Scott lead his first person to the Lord. He had been praying for this chance. In fact, he had gotten very close several times, but people decided not to act. Satan had used this to discourage Scott and make him feel inadequate (even to the point of questioning his salvation). This afternoon we handed out free water, which people gladly accepted. It was rather humorous to watch people's expressions change from shock and even maybe ridicule to genuine appreciation and compassion. What did I learn today? People really want to feel loved and desired. Unfortunately, many don't realize the true Source of all love and desire in God. By the way, I had a 30-45 minute conversation with some JWs. It was really cool for two reasons. One, because at the beginning of the discussion, the JWs asked me to pull out my Bible, which I just happened to have. So, it was like an old-fashioned sword fight. We pulled them out at the same time and began to battle. Two, because the young people actually engaged in the conversation and added to it positively. It was great because it was apologetics in action.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Michael! Draw that sword, but be careful to do surgery, not decapitation!

7:29 PM  

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