
Man and Woman's Heavenly Roles

In the latest issue of The Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, there was an article written byTennessee pastor Mark David Walton entitled, Relationships and Roles in the New Creation. Throughout the work, Walton discusses what man (and woman's) roles and relationships will be like in Heaven. He quotes C.S. Lewis a good bit. Quoting from an old article of Christianity Today, Lewis stated:

The New Testament "tells us that ... (every) one is to work with his own hands, and what is more, everyone's work is to produce something good...there is to be no 'swank' or 'side', no putting on airs...On the other hand, it is always insisting on obedience - obedience (and outward marks of respect) from all of us to properly appointed magistrates, from children to parents, and (I am afraid this is going to be very unpopular) from wives to husbands. Thirdly, it is going to be a cheerful society..."

Lewis suggests that in the new creation, redeemed life will be reverted back to God's original plan, where man will still be the spiritual leader of woman. Has anyone ever heard this argument? Frankly, I've never even thought about it.


Blogger Michael D. Estes said...

HAHA!!! I told you that we will be married in the new creation. If Lewis says it, then it has to be true. I'm going to go and do a victory dance now.

9:00 AM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

Unfortunately, Michael, Lewis also uses the little boy and chocolate analogy - meaning there will not be that special "union."

Also, he doesn't say we'll be married...he just says that man and woman will have similar roles as to the ones they have on earth...not husband and wife, but man and woman.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

Actually, I just re-read Lewis. He does state, "wives and husbands." However, the author of the article does not go that far. He just says man and woman.

2:58 PM  
Blogger Michael D. Estes said...


You should know that my comment was tongue-in-cheek. The reason I made it was because I saw in the quote the reference to husbands and wives.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

I know it was. But i was also trying to clear/understand the quote.

9:08 PM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...


10:24 AM  
Blogger Ross said...

I think that this is an interesting topic. Too often Christians have no idea about what they are looking forward to in the future. I think that Lewis' position is in line with the view of the grand metanarrative of the Christian faith as

Creation --> Fall --> Redemption

There is an essential bodily aspect to human existence, and if God created us good in the garden - embodied souls with physical things to do, then it would seem that the future life would be a continuation of what we are here, that is, without the sin.

Sounds cool to me.

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This means that we will not spend forever in Heaven, either. According to Revelation 21, "the dwelling of God is with men," (v.3). This has wide implications for how we approach the world. If we think that the purpose of this life for the Christian is simply to escape the world, we've missed the entire thrust of redemptive history. Just as Ross pointed out (Ross, are you a-mill yet?) correctly, redemption is all about God restoring what went awry at the Fall. As for marrying, the jury is still somewhat out for me. I get (and greatly respect) Michael's argument, but I'm trying to figure out what that would look like in light of Jesus' comments in Mark 12:18-25.

12:45 PM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

Ha! Welcome Ben Wallis. I first I thought I was reading Ben Hames and was thoroughly confused. How is Jacksonville Beach?

10:22 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Hey guys:

I am doing an August Bible Study at my church entitled "Heaven on Earth". I fully believe that Heaven as we often understand it is really this earth but a new and restored one.

Woman was created for man to be a helper. Man needed another human being that was similar to him but different. this was all before the fall. Thus, if the earth will be restored and Heaven will be like life was in heaven then it seems we there will be some type of relationship between husbands and wives.

As for me, if you need to find me on the New Earth go to sandy beach off of Kenya and the Indian Ocean, baby

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brammer,

I'd like to see how that glorified body you'll have does with the "glorified sharks" in the Indian Ocean!

11:10 AM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...


Should be a good discussion. I believe similarly to you on this topic.


That was funny. Although, in all seriousness, I believe the glorified sharks won't be trying to kill us. As for me, on the New Earth I'll be playing the re-incarnated Augusta National with no waiting and 78 degrees with a slight breeze and no allergies. Also, I'll be shooting around 72.

3:54 PM  

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