
What if...

Here's a question that hopefully all four of us will answer this time: If you could not minister within the Southern Baptist Convention (or in my case the PCA), what other denominations would you seriously consider? To force us all to actually choose, the option of just starting an independent, "non-denominational" church is forbidden. Moohoohahahaaha!


Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

I would probably be in the Christian and Missionary Alliance. I would say I would be in the the PCA, but the whole baby-pouring thing is a stumbling block for me. ;-)

7:39 PM  
Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

That is a really interesting question. I am looking forward to seeing how the rest of you guys answer it.

God Bless


3:59 AM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...

I take that back. I've done some more research on the CMA and I don't think I'd feel comfortable anymore with them. I'd probably go non-denom. but since that is not an option I'd choose EV Free.

1:37 PM  
Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

Interesting. I heard the Ev Frees have links to the denomination I attend, the Fellowship of Indepenent Evangelical Churches. The Ev Frees are Premill I believe, while the FIEC takes no position on eschatology.

What is it that puts you off the CMA, Charles?

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in the Presbyterian Church, but I would seriously consider EV Free as well. Perhaps, and I stress "perhaps," I would consider a church in the evangelical anglican tradition. That one may be a stretch, though.

The paedobaptist position is something that I'd be willing to give up in order to join a denomination that was strong on the true Gospel and thus the inerrancy of Scripture. Unfortunately, most paedobaptist denominations have gone astray long ago.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Michael D. Estes said...

Like Charlie, I would also probably consider EV Free.

For more information visit:


It looks like a great denomination. They seem to focus on urban centers.

10:22 PM  
Blogger Charlie Wallace said...


Sorry, I just saw your question. The CMA was founded on egalitarian principles and still operate that way somewhat.

9:05 PM  

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